Small apartment building
Three young people

Are you a tenant with a scheduled hearing?

Sign up to receive free legal advice from a Tenant Duty Counsel.

Curious about how to ask your landlord to make a repair? Have you received an N12 notice from your landlord and need to know next steps? Fallen behind on your rent payments? This section has resources for tenants grouped by category.

Tenant Duty Counsel

ACTO provides legal supports to tenants across the province through our Tenant Duty Counsel Program (TDCP). If you are a tenant and have a scheduled hearing at the Landlord and Tenant Board, sign up to get free legal advice from a Tenant Duty Counsel.

Take Action

Curious about common issues with rental units, and what you can do to solve problems? Take action today and exercise your legal rights as a renter.

A middle aged women who is concerned


This section contains information and resources for tenants who may experience an eviction. Remember: a landlord cannot legally evict a tenant themselves. Only the Landlord and Tenant Board has the legal power to end a tenancy via eviction.


The Landlord and Tenant Board has opened a digital portal and moved hearings online. This shift in operations brings many changes to how the Landlord and Tenant Board runs hearings and files documents. This section contains resources and information on how to navigate a digital hearing at the LTB. 

Tenant Rights

Tenants in Ontario have many rights under the law. However, changes to legislation and policy happen all the time, which can affect the legal rights renters have. This section contains information around housing and human rights within the context of Ontario.

Utilities & Repairs

Have questions around utilities or repairs? This section contains information for tenants about their utilities and requesting or enforcing repairs.

Your legal Questions