The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) has made many changes to how it runs hearings and files documents. This section contains resources and information on how to navigate applications and hearings at the LTB.

Tips for your digital Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) hearing
Tips and resources to help prepare for a hearing with the Landlord and Tenant Board…

Access to Justice and Delays at the Landlord and Tenant Board – FAQ

Digital Divide at the Landlord and Tenant Board
A shareable placemat that illustrates how the switch to digital hearings at the Landlord and…

Tenant Tips for Your Digital Landlord and Tenant Board Hearing, Pt. 2
Click here for the post in French / Cliquez ici pour la version en français…

Tenant Tips for Your Digital Landlord and Tenant Board Hearing – Pt. 1
Click here for the post in French / Cliquez ici pour la version en français…

What to expect at a phone or videoconference hearing
Due to the pandemic, the LTB has suspended all in-person hearings. Instead, hearings are now…