Small apartment building
Three young people

Take Action

Exercise your legal rights as a renter and take action today!

Welcome to Take Action, your resource on renters’ rights in Ontario. Here, you’ll find clear and practical information to help you understand what you’re entitled to as a tenant. Explore our resources to learn how to protect your rights.

Eviction Order and Sheriff process

I got an eviction order because I owe rent. If I pay, can I stop the Sheriff from coming?

The Sheriff is the only person who is allowed to make you leave or lock you…

I want to end my rental agreement earlier

I want to move out before the end of my rental agreement. What can I do?

This tip sheet will help you learn what to do if you want to move…

My landlord does not respect my human rights

What can I do at the Landlord and Tenant Board to protect my human rights?

This tip sheet explains how the Ontario Human Rights Code protects your right to equal…

Being evicted because I owe rent

My landlord wants to evict me because I owe rent

Your landlord can evict you if you owe rent. But your landlord must follow certain…

Ontario tenant facing eviction tip sheet

I am being evicted because I did not do what I agreed to do. What should I do now?

This tip sheet explains how to ask the Board to set aside an ex parte…

My LTB order is wrong

I think my order from the Landlord and Tenant Board is wrong. What should I do?

This tip sheet contains general information on how to ask the Board to review eviction…

My landlord illegally evicted me

My Landlord Evicted Me Without Following The Law

This tip sheet will help you learn what you can do if you were wrongfully…

Landlord's Own Use and No-Fault Evictions

What can I do if my landlord or someone buying my place wants to move in?

The Sheriff is the only person who is allowed to make you leave or lock you…

Landlord doesn't do repairs or respects my legal rights

What can I do if my landlord does not do repairs or respect my legal rights?

This tip sheet contains general information on what to do if your landlord is not…

How to get an LTB hearing quickly

What should I do if I am late to file a form with the Board or if I need a hearing quickly?

Do you need to ask the Landlord and Tenant Board for more time because the…

How to negotiate a repayment plan with your landlord

How to negotiate a repayment plan with your landlord

If you are facing financial hardship and are unable to pay your rent, your landlord…

What to do if you get an N4 notice

What to do if you get an N4 notice

If you weren’t able to pay your rent, your landlord may have served you with…

5 Steps to Take If Your Landlord Locks You Out

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) has suspended in-person hearings and…

Here’s what to do if you’re short on rent this month.

*This blog contains general information. It is not a substitute for getting legal advice about…

Elderly woman sitting at table writing

For tenants

Explore our resources to better understand your rights as tenants and learn about affordable housing issues in Ontario.