My landlord gave me an N12 notice of eviction. What do I do now?

What is a Form N12? A form N12, or “Notice to End your Tenancy Because…

Beware: Scammers Exploiting New Government rebate Program to Target Seniors

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 15, 2025 Contact: Kimber-Lee WargallaCommunity Outreach Co-OrdinatorTel: 416-598-2656 x Ontario…

The Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act Causes More Problems Than Fixes at the Landlord and Tenant Board

Bill 227, Cutting Red Tape, Building Ontario Act, 2024 was introduced on November 20, 2024.…

Why words matter: The provincial government can no longer afford to ignore that intimate partner violence is an epidemic

On November 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Ontario…

Fairness Should Not Be Sacrificed for Speed at the Landlord and Tenant Board

The Landlord and Tenant Board is broken. Tenants and landlords languish for months, sometimes years,…

black cat and dog lounging on a bed in the sun

Pets and property: understanding the rules around pets for Ontario renters

Many renters in Ontario have beloved furry friends as part of their family. Yet, rental…

two men wearing headphones playing a video game and smiling

6 common questions Ontario renters ask about having guests over

Do you have to tell your landlord if you’re inviting a friend over? We will go over the common questions renters in Ontario have about their rights and responsibilities when it comes to having guests over.

construction crane in front of old apartment tower in Toronto

5 warning signs your landlord might try to renovict you

A “renoviction” refers to a process by which a landlord evicts a sitting tenant under…

woman with glasses and striped shirt holding young boy in her arms

We’re at a crossroads when it comes to housing in Canada. Will our leaders choose to protect wealth or fix the crisis?

Last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a surprising admission that “Housing needs to retain…

Your landlord wants you to sign a Form N11 “Agreement to end a tenancy.” Should you?

What is a Form N11 and should a renter sign one? The most important thing for a renter to know is they do not have to sign a Form N11 if they do not want to end their tenancy and leave their home, no matter what their landlord says. Signing an N11 is supposed to be a voluntary decision.